Category Karnatka

हम्पी में मंदिरों के कुछ खास रहस्य ( Mysteries temple of hampi in hindi )

दोस्तों हम्पी एक अनोखी भूमि है, जिसकी स्थापना 1336 ई. में हुई थी. यह अपने आप में खंडहरों का एक पूरा शहर है। आज हम आपको हम्पी के बारे में 10 आश्चर्यजनक बातें बताएँगे , जिन्हें आपको जानना चाहिए, ताकि…

Pratyuangira Devi Temple , Bangalore

Pratyuangira Devi Temple

Pratyuangira Devi Temple is located in Bangalore’s Turahalli neighborhood, along Kanakapura Road. Beautiful architecture from the Pandyan dynasty, created in Agama shastra (one of the vedic styles). There are many Pratyuangira Devi temples in Bangalore. The one in Turahalli is…

Someshwara Temple Shivanasamudra – Karnatka

In our previous blog we have mentioned about Shivanasamudram and presence of Lord Ranganathswamy temple there. There is another ancient temple known as Sri Someshwara temple Shivanasamudra, dedicated to Lord Shiva, located on the Barachukki falls road Sri Someshwara temple along…

Keladi Rameshwara Temple – केलाडी रामेश्वर मंदिर – अपनी तरह की अनूठी वास्तुकला का साक्षी

keladi rameshwara temple

Keladi Rameshwara Temple – कर्नाटक को मंदिरों के शहर के रूप में जाना जाता है, यहाँ हर मंदिर की अपनी अनूठी वास्तुकला शैली है। ऐसा ही एक मंदिर है केलाडी रामेश्वर मंदिर ( Keladi Rameshwara Temple ) Keladi / केलाडी…

Vidyashankara Temple, Sringeri, Karnataka

Vidyashankara Temple

The Vidyashankara Temple, was built in the year 1338 A.D. It’s a one-of-a-kind stone monument that combines Hoysala (Chalukya) and Dravidian architectural traditions. Shringeri is home to one the original Advaitha maths, founded by Shri Adi Shankara himself. It has…

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